QMC Players Enjoy Coaching Opportunity

Hampshire Court head coach Shyam Vithlani ran an eight week disability course at Queen Mary’s College (QMC) designed to introduce the learning support students to the basics of tennis. The course consisted of six sessions at the college itself and the last two sessions at Totally Tennis which gave the players the opportunity to play in a real tennis club enviroment.
Vithlani, a former QMC pupil himself, taught the players an introduction to tennis concentrating on the basic strokes like forehand and backhand but also working on their co-ordination skills, balance and how to follow instructions.
Ricardo QMC’s learning support teacher  said, “The students really appreciated Shyam taking the time to come to QMC and teach them tennis. They fully enjoyed all the sessions, especially the ones at Totally Tennis.” he added, “The students learnt quite a lot and are still talking about their experiences, during the activities and the bits they enjoyed the most.